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On September 29 a number of movies, among which South Korean detective "The decision to leave" and the Russian drama "Far Relatives" was released. What to look at cinema on days off — in a selection at newspaper "Kommersant". The decision to leave do not tell anybody Far relatives of Carrion crows a hollow the Parent Barrakuda Express Dzhipers Kripers: The revived Brother and the sister Cat Resheniye to leave the Director: Chkhan Pak - VHF roles: Chkhan Pak He-il, Vey Tan, John Li - henzhanr: detective, thriller, melodrama, crime / South Korea / 138 min. In hire: since September 29 Film critic Shagelman Julia: "Pak Chkhan Uk and the coauthor of the scenario Chong So the Gene masterly confuse the audience … And though...