enrichments of coal discussed Recycling at a meeting in NOTs "Kuzbass"

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JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ITS "SOYUZPROYEKTSTROY" "The scientific and educational center "Kuzbass" acted as the initiator of meeting on questions recycling coal enrichments. The Parisian agreement according to the Framework Convention on Climate Change Danilov Valentine, the minister of science and the highest educations Kemerovo Region Ganieva Irina, the director of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization Scientific and Educational Center Kuzbass Petrik Natalia, the chairman boards of directors LLC "PROTEN-VUT" Kravchenko Igor, the doctor the adviser to the chairman of HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY REGIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY; POSELOK SIBIRSKY DEPARTMENT REGIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY Yvan Blagodyr, the scientific secretary of Advisory council of presidium of HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY REGIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY; POSELOK SIBIRSKY DEPARTMENT REGIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY on a perspective...