The Supreme court refused to return Valery Rashkin the status of the deputy

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The status of the deputy of the Duma through court was not succeeded to return Valery Rashkin. Complaint Valery Rashkin was rejected by Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. Before the ex-deputy from Communist Party of the Russian Federation appealed to the Constitutional court, but the Constitutional court refused to accept it claim. Deputy powers Valery Rashkin were stopped on May 25, 2022, reminds information agency "ITAR-TASS". On June 22 Election commission of Tsentralny of the Russian Federation transferred his Duma mandate to the member of council of "The left front" Anastasia Udaltsova. District court of the Kalininskaya district of the Saratov region sentenced Valery Rashkin to three years of imprisonment conditionally on the case of illegal hunting the deputy. In a car luggage carrier, for...