Vaccination against Koronavirus proceeds in Serpukhov

@MK.RU Serpuhov
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In the territory of the city district Serpukhov proceeds vaccination of the population against Koronavirus. The main objective is decrease in incidence of the population by viruses. To protect itself and the relatives by vaccination it is possible in the following items: - policlinic No. 1, Forssa Street Forssa, 3; - policlinic No. 2, Fizkulturnaya Street, 18; - policlinic No. 3, Voroshilov Street, 129; - policlinic No. 4, Pushkin Street, house 60/1; - policlinic No. 6, 2nd Moskovskaya Street, 8/19; - policlinic MSCh No. 164, settlement of Obolensk; - policlinic MSCh No. 8, Vesennyaya St., 10; Narodnogo Opolcheniya St., 1d. In the current season...