Scientists with help "glanced UAVs in soul" the hurricane "Fiona": video
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Firmasaildroneispolzovala Air UAVs to write down on video the events in "Fiona's" heart — the first hurricane IV of category in 2022. The device had to sustain waves up to 15 meters high and squally flaws. Representatives of companies reported that the device moved in "Fiona's" heart with a speed of 14 km/h, sometimes dispersing to 60 km/h. ModelSD 1078otnositsya to so-called to "storm UAVs". Experts use them for collecting the most actual information on a storm. RukovoditelSaildroneRichard Richard Deyl Dzhenkins emphasized that the obtained data will help science to study better, why hurricane force...
Richard Deyl Dzhenkins
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Air UAVs