Jay Se, Ryan Thomas Gosling and Alexander Borisovich Pushnoy in the post-apocalypse world. The Russian gamer recreated in the Fallout editor of 4 popular heroes and celebrities

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The Russian gamer under DIMCo nickname thanks to the Fallout 4 editor created popular heroes of cinema, games and simply celebrities, and then laid out the practices in the Network. It spent for it two months, and the result did not keep itself waiting — news scattered on a RuNet and delighted users. We collected a small selection of screenshots of works of the author with original photos of his inspirers, and that from this it turned out: Benedict Timothy Karlton Cumberbatch Gorshenev Mikhail Ryan Thomas Gosling Soul Gudman William James Defo Christian Charles Philip Beyl Letov Yegor John Dzhozef Nicholson and Dyuval Shelli Alexander Borisovich Pushnoy Robert Barton Inglund Jay Se...
Ryan Thomas Gosling
Last position: Actor
Alexander Borisovich Pushnoy
Last position: The anchorman "Physics and lyric poets" on "Beacon" (VGTRK)
Robert Barton Inglund
Last position: Actor, director
Anthony Starr
Last position: Actor