Tournament on badminton took place in University Lobachevsky

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Athletes gathered for competitions to all Rossiivserossiysky tournament of memory of Remizova L.E. on badminton took place in Nizhny Novgorod on the basis of faculty of physical culture and sport of NATSIONALNY ISSLEDOVATELSKY NIZHEGORODSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER N. I. LOBACHEVSKOGO, NIZHEGORODSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER N. I. LOBACHEVSKOGO, NNGU NAMED AFTER N. I. LOBACHEVSKOGO, UNIVERSITY LOBACHEVSKOGO, NNGU from September 3 to September 5, 2022. 79 athletes took part in competitions, among which 3 Honoured Masters of Sports and 26 masters of sports from different regions of the country: Moscow, Moscow Region, Republic of Tatarstan, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Primorsky Territory, Novosibirsk Region and others. Players of a national team of NATSIONALNY ISSLEDOVATELSKY NIZHEGORODSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER N. I. LOBACHEVSKOGO, NIZHEGORODSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER N. I. LOBACHEVSKOGO, NNGU NAMED AFTER N. I. LOBACHEVSKOGO, UNIVERSITY LOBACHEVSKOGO, NNGU on badminton: masters of sports, students of faculty...