From Kuban the large family removed into the taiga Siberian country

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A casual shot — and big changes in life. The large family from Kuban moved to Irkutsk Region after movie viewing about school from the remote place Chunsky district. But school the unusual. There teach children to live in the village — there is a bakery, a farm and even production of fertilizers. In the seven years Boyarkin Pawel and a cow is able to drive, and to go by a tractor. The brother Vanya himself chops firewood and knows when it is time to feed a livestock. First graders learn agrobusiness elements soon. From Kuban the family Boyarkinykh moved to Siberia on the eve of academic year. At Boyarkin Artem and his spouses Nemirich Tatyana 10 children. Younger — 2 years, senior — 20 years...
Boyarkin Pawel
Boyarkin Artem
Nemirich Tatyana
Boyarkina Tatyana
Khrychov Nicholas