Started shootings of the four-serial drama "Abrek"

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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START online movie theater shootings of the domestic four-serial movie "Abrek" Began. It is the screen version of the debut novel of the vice-chairman of Government of the Chechen Republic, the historian and the orientalist Dzhambulat Umarov. The main character of the movie - a wolf. In 2001 during restoration of Grozny the teenager Khalid (it Tsygaev Makhmud plays) selects a wolf cub. The wild animal becomes his loyal friend. But for a family debt to Khalid it is necessary to give Abrek. The wolf gets on dog fights, from where he is rescued by the Russian sapper cynologist Vladimir (it Arthur Sopelnik, known according to series "Kadetstvo", "Games-master" plays...