JOINT-STOCK COMPANY XK"YAKUTUGOL" (enters into Mechel Group PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MECHEL") reports about changes in the management. Valery Nikolaevich Gorelnikov] is appointed the managing director of companie

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11:04 - 6.9.2022 JOINT-STOCK COMPANY XK"YAKUTUGOL" (enters into Mechel Group PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MECHEL") reports about changes in the management. JOINT-STOCK COMPANY XK"YAKUTUGOL" Valery Nikolaevich Gorelnikov, holding a position of the head LLC "YARK" (enters into Mechel Group PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MECHEL") is appointed the managing director. On this post it replaced Yvan Ivanovich Tsepkov who left company. Director general LLC "Management company Mechel-Mayning" Pazynich Andrey: "Valery Nikolaevich Gorelnikov has considerable experience in branch, and also in Mechel Group PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MECHEL". It is convinced, it will successfully apply the knowledge in management JOINT-STOCK COMPANY XK"YAKUTUGOL". We are grateful to Yvan Ivanovich Tsepkov...