The founder of Cache posted a screenshot of the editor of cards: "In Source of 2 brushes differ"] a littl
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The founder of Cache posted a screenshot of the editor of cards, he having hinted that for Source 2. "In Source of 2 brushes differ a little", – Sean wrote in Twitter "Fmpone" of Snelling and put a screenshot of the editor of cards. On a screenshot the part of the Santorini card is represented. Fmpone – a mapmeyker, including created Cache. Earlier datamayner assumed that Valve COR began to test Source 2 on actual ID games. Also datamayner found a Cobblestone card mention for Source 2. For the first time the CS:GO developers noticed on servers with the cards created under Source 2, at the beginning of July. According to a datamayner and yutuber...
Valve Corporation
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