Country houses reduced turns

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The country housing in Moscow Region rises in price, but the prices grow unevenly. LLC "Ayrieltor" in research of experts ". Analysts". Most quicker the cost of houses along Leningrad, Egoryevsky and Ryazanskoye Highway increases. Thus in some regions of area the prices fell on the contrary. With what it is connected? And what in general now occurs in the market country real estates? About they are Zagorsky Andrey. Photo: Dzhafarov Emin, newspaper "Kommersant" If to speak in general about the market of country housing in Moscow Region, demand, and, respectively, and the prices though grow recently, but quite moderate...
Zagorsky Andrey
Dzhafarov Emin
Tsogoev Artem
Kovalev Konstantin
LLC "Ayrieltor"
Webster Inc.