China condemned the fourth for a month visit of representatives of United States of America to Taiwan

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Joseph Wu and Marsha Blekbern (Photo: China acts against "informal" visits to Taiwan representatives of the American authorities, such trips break the principle of "one China", declared in the country Ministry of Foreign Affairs, transfers information agency "Sinkhua". The comment of department followed in connection with arrival on the island of the member Republican Party of USA and senator from staff State of Tennessee Marsha Blekbern. On August 26 it published a tweet where wrote that for it "honor to be in Taipei, showing that Communist Party of China cannot dictate United States of America how to conduct foreign policy". "We warned DPP management...
Tsay Inven
Last position: President of the Republic of China (President of Republic of China)
Eric Kholkomb
Last position: Governor of the State of Indiana
Coleman Amata
Political ideology:Communism, Maoism, Chinese socialism.
Republican Party of USA
Political ideology:Conservatism, economic liberalism, fiscal conservatism, social conservatism.