Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare approved water on 49 more beaches Tula Region

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Directorate of the federal service for supervision in Sphere of protection of Rights of consumers and wellbeing of Person on Tula region published the list of reservoirs of the region which passed sanitary monitoring. Everything, it is noted, 588 tests of water on ralichny indicators were investigated. Testing was undergone by 49 beaches: - average pond TSKPIO of P.P. Belousov (GUTO "Tula Parks"), - the Urvansky reservoir of Novomoskovsk (MUNICIPAL STATE-FINANCED INSTITUTION "RAYONNOYE BLAGOUSTROYSTVO"), - "Plazma-Akvatoriya" of Donskoy (SP Dyachenko N. D.), - a pond of Trust Uzlovaya (the Municipality Administration Uzlovaya district), - item "Venevk's" beach Metrostroyevsky (the Municipality Administration the Central Venyovsky District), - a beach of "Voronyi Vyselki" (the Municipality Administration Kimovsky...