Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare approved 49 beaches to Tula Region

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In department told that investigated 570 tests of water. By results of check 49 zones of a recreation meet standards. We publish the list: average pond TSKPIO of P.P. Belousov (GUTO "Tula Parks"); Urvansky reservoir of Novomoskovsk (MUNICIPAL STATE-FINANCED INSTITUTION "RAYONNOYE BLAGOUSTROYSTVO"); "Plazma-Akvatoriya" Donskoy (SP Dyachenko N. D.); pond of Trust Uzlovaya (Municipality Administration Uzlovaya district); item "Venevk's" beach Metrostroyevsky (Municipality Administration Central Venyovsky District); beach of "Voronyi Vyselki" (Municipality Administration Kimovsk district); recreation areas "Ilyinka"; "Homyakovsky glades", beaches No. 1, 2 on the river. Funnel (MU "TsGZSR of...