Vereshchagin Mikhail Ivanovich held for descendants in remembrance temples in Belozersk

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To see what was Belozersk more than an eyelid ago, it is necessary to go to the local local history museum. In one of halls of visitors those 17 temples wait. The majority of them are irrevocably lost. But, thanks to efforts of not indifferent art dealers, it is possible to touch history nevertheless. The city of churches and pure Lake Beloye, so speak today about Belozersk. In the most ancient town of the Vologda remote place till 1930th years 17 temples were. Everyone was in own way unique the architecture and history. Some remained and up to now. Details — in a plot of TV channel "Kanal 12". To see...
Vereshchagin Mikhail Ivanovich
Veliky Vasilii
Bogomolova Tatyana
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