Virologist: "If you are "antivakser", desire to put on a mask"

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The manager of chair of virology of biological faculty of Moskovsky state university named after M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosova, Moskovsky university or Moscow State University Olga Karpov pointed to accruing growth rates of incidence Koronavirus and emphasized that such jump was quite we expect. In her opinion, importance of a revaccination is still actual, writes TV channel "RT". — I already would advise people of advanced age in public places to put on masks — already it is time. Especially it concerns people who are "antivakser" and which have no inoculations — it concerns any age if you are "antivakser", desire to put on a mask — Olga Karpov told. Speaking about repeated introduction of a mask mode in...