Tatyana Brukhunova admitted, whether there is at it an access to millions Eugenie Petrosyants

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Tatyana Brukhunova told that they have with the humorist all the general. The wife Eugenie Petrosyants considers that differently and cannot be. Admirers of the known humorist Eugenie Petrosyants watch for a long time life of his family on social networks which are conducted actively by his spouse. Tatyana Brukhunova very often spread the branded dresses, bags of known designers in the blog, shows campaigns in expensive restaurants and rest in the most prestigious resorts of the world. Subscribers began to be interested at the wife of the humorist, from where it takes money on such magnificent life. Let's remind that the humorist holds a position of the director Theatres...
Eugenie Petrosyants (Eugenie Petrosyan)
Last position: TV host, production director, writer
Tatyana Brukhunova
Main activity:Cultural worker
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