newspaper "Kommersant": the transaction on sale Enel S.p.A. the Russian assets is frozen for an indefinite term

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The transaction on sale the Russian assets of Fortum COR is also frozen, newspaper "Kommersant" Moscow, reports on August 9. information agency "ITAR-TASS". The transaction on sale Enel S.p.A. 56,43% in PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ENEL RUSSIA" to PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "LUKOIL" and to Gazprombank-Freziya fund is suspended by the Italian generating company for indefinite time. The transaction on sale the Russian assets of Fortum COR is also frozen, reports on Tuesday "newspaper "Kommersant"" with reference to sources familiar with a situation. The suspension of an exit of foreign shareholders from the Russian power industry is connected with the decree President of the Russian Federation No. 520 which forbids transactions till December 31, 2022...