Ethnolinguistic expedition to a river Timokv valley took place June-July, 2022 ethnolinguistic expedition to east Serbia, undertaken s.n.s. MAE RAN Golant N. G. and m.n.s.

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In June-July, 2022 ethnolinguistic expedition to east Serbia, undertaken s.n.s took place. MAE RAN Golant N. G. and m.n.s. ISl RAN Strutinsky I. M.. Work was carried out according to No. 22-18-00484 RNF project "Slavyano-neslavyansky border zones: funeral pominalnyi ̆ a ceremony in ethnolinguistic lighting" ( (the head of hl. N of page of ISl RAN Plotnikova A. A.). Carrying out field inspection funeral and funeral the practician and the related lexicon of the vlashsky (Romanian) population of a valley of the river became the purpose of expedition...