1340 tons of a salmon were caught since the beginning by Putin on Chukotka Autonomous District

@Krajnij Sever
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1340 tons of a salmon, or 56% of the distributed volume, Putin on Chukotka Autonomous District caught since the beginning. It is most of all got Kets – 877 tons that exceeds indicators for similar time of two previous years twice. Salmons 457 tons, humpback salmons – 6,8 tons are extracted. The low volume of a catch of a humpback salmon is connected with that 2022 is even, that is negorbushevy. The main volume of production of red fish in 1324 tons fell on 11 fishery organizations of the district, leading industrial fishery. From them the most part of the Pacific salmon was caught by three large enterprises: LLC "Akvamarin" – 503 tons, open company...