Prosecutor's office Khabarovsk Khabarovsk territory carries out an inspection in connection with road accidents

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On August 04, 2022 near Bolshaya St. in Khabarovsk the driver of the passenger bus No. 68 of a route "Baltimore - Non-commercial horticultural association of the Cheryomushky district did not cope with management therefore the vehicle drove in a light support. Five injured passengers of the bus are delivered in medical institution. On a scene the acting as the prosecutor of Khabarovsk Turovtsev Dimitri left. Circumstances of the incident are investigated. During public prosecutor's checking the assessment will be given to performance of the legislation at the organization of passenger traffic. In the presence of the bases measures will be taken...
Turovtsev Dimitri
Non-commercial horticultural association of the Cheryomushky district