JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "TINKOFF BANK" bought 33% in service for search in AnyQuery online shops

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JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "TINKOFF BANK" bought a minority share in service for search in AnyQuery online shops. It made 33%. Co-founders of service count that the strategic partnership from JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "TINKOFF BANK" will help "to strengthen existing products and to develop new". JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "TINKOFF BANK" reported about acquisition of 33% of a share in the Russian service for search in online stores AnyQuery (before Diginetica). companies will continue to be engaged in Development her co-founders Dmitry Malashkin and Kruglov Artem. The AnyQuery service provides to online retailers products for conversion increase in purchase. At the heart of the decision technologies lie...
Malashkin Dimitri
Kruglov Artem
Bukharov Fedor
JSC Tinkoff Bank
Main activity:Finance