Soccer. Savitsky Pawel entered in top-8 the best goal-scorers in the history of the Cup Belarus

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The midfielder of "Neman" Savitsky Pawel entered in top-8 the best goal-scorers for all history of a Cup Belarus. The halfback caused a stir in a match 1/8 finals with "Arsenal" (2:1), on its account there were 23 goals (in 40 games). Ahead of it Valery Stripeykis — 37 hammered balls (58), Kontsevoy Artem — 33 (42), Rodionov Vitaly — 28 (55), Bliznyuk Gennady and Roman Nikolaevich Vasilyuk — on 25 (62 and 61 game respectively), Komarovsky Dimitri — 24 (54). As well as Savitsky Pawel, (58) hammered 23 balls Osipenko Dimitri...