Vadim Aleksandrovich Shipachev told about methods of work of Znark

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The beginner of the "Ak Bars", the best goal-scorer of the past regular championship Khlvadim Shipachevotvetil on a question of methods of work of the new head coach Kazan klubaolega Znarka. "I know it long ago, I know that it is necessary to do. In methods of its work is both new, and old details. In total on advantage. What exactly from the new? And why I to you will open them. These are hockey nuances", - Vadim Aleksandrovich Shipachev told. Let's remind that Vadim Aleksandrovich Shipachev passed into "Ak Bars" from Moscow "Dynamo" in summer inter-season period in exchange for monetary compensation. Oleg Znarok headed the Kazan club on the termination of the past season having succeeded Dimitri Kvartalnov...
Oleg Znarok
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Dimitri Kvartalnov
Main activity:Official