Cheboksary became the sworn brother Torez on Donets Basin

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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The capital Chuvash Republic became the sworn brother of the Donbass Torez. The agreement on friendship was concluded the head of administration by Cheboksary Spirin Denise and the head of administration of Thorez Lysenko Dimitri. The document was signed during visit of delegation Chuvash Republic to Donetsk People's Republic. - Literally in a month we celebrate day of Cheboksary. We invite delegation of Torez to look at the twin-city and by this time to work further development our relations. Are ready to look for other directions of interaction and to fix specific substantial actions which will be...
Oleg Alekseevich Nikolaev
Last position: Head (Government of the Chuvash Republic)
Spirin Denise
Lysenko Dimitri
Klar Sant