To Zhair Messias Bolsonaru nominated the candidate to elections President of Federal Republic Brazil
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G1: Liberal party of Brazil officially nominated to Zhair Messias Bolsonaru to an election of the president of the country the Liberal Party (LP) Brazil officially declared the incumbent president Zhair Messias Bolsonaru the candidate for re-election for country's presidential post on Sunday, July 24. About it reports G1. The relevant activity took place in northern part Rio de Janeiro. Zhair Messias Bolsonaru addressed the supporters together with the wife Michele. The speech of the president lasted 1 hour 9 minutes. In it it touched upon subjects of fight against corruption, with a drug traffic, problems of sexual educations and legalizations of abortions...
Zhair Messias Bolsonaru
Main activity:Politician
Luis Inasiu Lula da Silva
Last position: Elected president of Brazil (President of Federal Republic Brazil)
Либеральная партия
Political ideology:Либеральная партия-это большая консервативная партия. Либеральную партию называют правоцентристской или праворадикальной.