"Kean-dza-dza! " became the most rating Soviet fantastic movie to Russian Federation

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Georgy Nikolaevich Daneliya "Kean-dza-dza! " was in the lead in "an absolute top" most rating Soviet fantastic movies to Russian Federation on TV channel researches "Mosfilm. Gold collection". The second place was taken by the thriller Andrey Tarkovsky "Solaris". And the third — the two-part movie Vladimir Bortko "Heart of a Dog". "Georgy Daneliya's movie "Kean-dza-dza! " it appeared the unconditional leader of the majority of expert ratings of the Soviet film fantasy" — quote the press service "information agency "ITAR-TASS"". Also in top-10 entered: "Stalker" Andrey Tarkovsky, "Adventures of Electronic engineer" Konstantin Leonidovich Bromberg, "Letters dead...