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On July 14 a number of movies, among which Russian thriller "Obsessed" and Italian comedy "Visionaries" was released. What to look at cinema on days off — in a selection at newspaper "Kommersant". Country Sasha Fantazery Obsessed High sea: Monster of depth Jane's Cherbourg umbrellas eyes Bulka Charlotte Venetsiyafreniya Molokh Leading role Country Sasha Rezhisser: Shagelman Julia Trofimovav roles: Mark Aleksandrovich Eydelshteyn, Maria Matsel, Eugenia Gromov, Dmitry Yendaltsev, Tarasenko Alisa Tarasenkozhanr: melodrama / Russian Federation / 88 min. In hire: since July 14 Film critic Shagelman Julia: "In a basis of the scenario of a picture which Trofimova Julia wrote together with...