Professional visits simplified communication with business

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Since the beginning of year the Glavgosstroynadzor started applying actively a new form of visit of building sites — preventive visit. Supervisory authorities in a friendly format interact with business, helping to be prepared for checks and not to allow violation. For this period 772 professional visits were carried out. On the average the inspection structure makes about six visits in day. "Work in a preventive zone — is that effective mechanism which is necessary today to us. With introduction of new measures ZOS dates of receipt builders considerably decreased. For 2022 239 conclusions about compliance, for 7% are issued...
Arthur Garibyan
Last position: Minister (Head department of state inspectorate of architecture and construction supervision of the government of the Moscow region)
Anton Zharkov
Last position: The deputy, the Member of the committee on transport and construction (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)