The Kvalifkollegiya recommended the candidate for BC PT and the chairman for Novosheshminsk district district court Republic of Tatarstan

@Biznes Online
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The qualification board of judges Republic of Tatarstan under the chairmanship of Gilmanov Radik recommended the candidate for vacant post judges the Supreme vessels to RT. Sakhapov Yusup who now works as judge City Court of the Aznakayevsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan became him. Besides, Sakhabieva Alsu , for a position of judges Novo-Savinovsky rayon vessels Kazan was recommended by Khramov Maxime. Besides, powers of judges District court of the Vysokaya Gora district of the Republic of Tatarstan Sagdieva Gulnur, since are stopped. she retired at own will, and judges Laishevsky...