AP Yaroslavl Region were headed by the new president

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To this position Kaplin Mikhail Nikolaevich Kaksoobshchalos is chosen earlier, on July 9 in Yaroslavl there took place extraordinary conference of lawyers Yaroslavl Region on election of Council APYAO (further – APYaO) in new structure. Council of APYaO Yaroslavl Region, gathered upon completion of conference, on the first zasedaniiizbral the president of APYaO Kaplin Mikhail Nikolaevich. Earlier Kaplin Mikhail Nikolaevich was the chairman of the Qualification commission of APYaO and the member of expert and methodical Council of APYaO. Kaplin Mikhail Nikolaevich 16 years in legal profession. He was born on June 15, 1975, in 1997 ended the legal...