The mistake in translation brought down a rating of the appendix of ASOS plc among Russians

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Clients from Russian Federation refuse to buy in online store ASOS plc because of the offensive description of the appendix in App Store, reports Medialeaks. In the description of the last update of the appendix of ASOS plc for Apple iOS there was an inscription: "From now on we will show you only those goods which are available in your country. Offensively to see what you cannot buy, the truth? ". Such message was apprehended as trolling of the Russian users. The part of users of ASOS plc declared that will not order any more goods on a site. Dissatisfied buyers urged to underestimate to the appendix a rating in App Store and Google Play...
Main activity:Science and education
ASOS plc
Google Play
Manufactured by:Google
Apple iOS
Manufactured by:Apple
App Store
Manufactured by:Apple