The spouse of the rector of VShSI Anatoly Polyankin told about the reasons it to death

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The spouse of the rector of the Highest schools theatrics ("Theater school Konstantina Raykina", VShSI) Anatoly Polyankin Arslanov Alfir told daily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya" about the reasons of his death. Let's remind that Anatoly Polyankin was the person involved in business and recently was under house arrest. Claim to it was shown by the art director of "Satyricon" Konstantin Raykin. The day before court refused to it satisfaction claims to Anatoly Polyankin. According to the spouse of the rector of VShSI, her husband to the last protected the honor from attacks Konstantin Raykin. On this background its health strongly worsened. "The strongest psychoemotional stress, unreasonable for health...