The Irkutsk drama theater devoted performance Eugenie Aleksandrovich Yevtushenko

@MK.RU Irkursk
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The Irkutsk academic drama theater presented to N. P. Okhlopkov's name musical and poetic performance "More, than the poet! ", devoted to the 90 anniversary of the world famous Soviet poet – voices of several generations – Eugenie Aleksandrovich Yevtushenko! Today, on June 28, at theater delivery of the concert program took place! The premiere by right will take place on July 16 in Zima – in the homeland of the person, whose verses became an era symbol! And in anniversary day – on July 18 – "It is more, than the poet! " will sound on the Main scene of the okhlopkovsky drama! - In ours theater people who were personally familiar with Eugenie Aleksandrovich Yevtushenko work...