Left with advantage: the gone too far Oleg Menshikov survived from theaters the daughter Papanov Anatoly

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Oleg Menshikov the Actress made the right decision. In the Russian theatrical environment the next scandal flashed, and again in its center there was an art director Yermolova's State budget cultural institution "MDT named after M. N. Yermolovoy" Oleg Menshikov. The head allegedly created to Helena Papanova so intolerable conditions that the actress did not begin to suffer and with advantage left troupe. Thus the daughter of the great Soviet actor Papanov Anatoly in conversation with a portal of BLITZ%2B did not begin to confirm or disprove this news. She noted that is now occupied in new projects therefore about the leaving at all is not sorry. "I at all do not want to concern a subject theaters and Oleg Menshikov...