The sharp cold snap will bring to Sverdlovsk Region the Arctic cyclone

@MK.RU Ekaterinburg
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The Ural weather forecasters reported about approach of the cold Arctic front. Air temperature will start going down on Sunday. "In the next week weather to Sverdlovsk Region will be defined by mainly northwest streams in the atmosphere which will bring cold air of the Arctic region", - the chief regional weather forecaster Sheporenko Galina told. In the north of area temperature will fall to %2B5 °C, %2B10 the °C, in the afternoon air will get warm to %2B13 °C. In the southern areas average temperature will make %2B19 °C. Since July 2 will become warmer to %2B23 °C, %2B25 °C. Let's remind, in June in the region passed heavy rains...