Results of the educational and methodical conference "Rating Assessment of Knowledge in Medical Higher Education Institution"

@VGMU im. Burdenko
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On June 21, 2022 on the basis of FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATIONNAMED AFTER N. N. BURDENKO MINISTRY OF HEALTH RUSSIA the educational and methodical online-conference "Rating Assessment of Knowledge in Medical Higher Education Institution" with the international participation and participation of higher education institutions a scientific and educational medical cluster "East European" took place. Experience of practical use of rating system of an assessment of knowledge was represented by teachers of chairs of pharmaceutical faculty: pharmacology, clinical pharmacology, pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmaceutical technologies, chairs of production medicine of IDPO FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATIONNAMED AFTER N. N. BURDENKO MINISTRY OF HEALTH RUSSIA, chairs basic and...