Losses Kaminsky Youri, problems Christina Reztsova and burn Svetlana Mironov: as the national team Russian Federation on biathlon prepares for a new season

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The national team Russian Federation on biathlon continues preparation for a season in four trainer's groups. The greatest losses were suffered by the senior mentor of a men's team Kaminsky Youri from whom to colleagues passed a number of leaders. Edouard Ratmilevich Latypov remained, but went on collecting to Raubichi to Istomin Artem and Bashkirova Eugenie. And here Christina Reztsova passed it to solve problems with a rifle. One more leader of female collective, Svetlana Mironov, faced difficulties of other character: it made unsuccessful cosmetology procedure and got burns of the face...
Christina Reztsova
Last position: The professional athlete on biathlon
Anton Babikov
Last position: The professional athlete on biathlon
Said Karimulla Said Vakhidulla Khalili (Karim Khalili)
Last position: The professional athlete on biathlon (PUBLICLY FUNDED NATIONAL INSTITUTION "FSO "YUNOST MOSKVY" MOSKOMSPORTA)
Daniel Serokhvostov
Last position: The professional athlete on biathlon