At the request of the prosecutor Republic of Crimea Oleg Kamshilov are taken measures for assignment to the inhabitant Yalta ranks "The veteran of work"

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At the request of the prosecutor of the republic Oleg Kamshilov, given during a personal reception of citizens, an inspection according to the address of the 79-year-old inhabitant of Yalta concerning disagreement with refusal of MINISTERSTVO TRUDA I SOTSIALNOY ZASHCHITY RESPUBLIKI KRYM in status establishment "The veteran of work" is carried out. It is established that the declarant in 1978 People's Deputies was awarded with the decree of executive committee of Donetsk regional council of a rank "The veteran of work". Specified is confirmed by the reference issued by Kramatorsk professional trade and culinary lyceum. At the same time regional ministry to the elderly...