To France the former maid overcame the ex-minister of sports

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The 48-year-old native Ivory Coast Keke Rachelle bypassed on elections in National assembly of French Republic the former minister-delegate of affairs of sports Roxana Marasinyanu. Keke Rachelle gathered in the 7th constituency of department of Wal-de-Marn 50,3 percent of votes whereas to Marasinyan – is 0,5 percent less. Keke Rachelle are represented by the left alliance "New National Ecological and Social Union" (NUPES). Mother of five children Keke Rachelle worked earlier as the hairdresser and the maid in the Parisian hotel "Ibis", writes information agency "ITAR-TASS". It arrived to France at the age of 26 years, and she obtained nationality only in 2015...