Leading traumatologists-orthopedists from all country arrived to Ilizarov's Center

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There takes place scientific education conference. In Kurgan "Ilizarovsky scientific education conference with the international participation" opened on June 16. The first Ilizarovsky scientific education conference collected on the trans-Ural earth of leading traumatologists-orthopedists from all country. For all medical community of the region is the real holiday therefore by tradition the scientific marathon opened from performance of the Trans-Ural orchestra of wind instruments Kurgan regional musical colleges D. D. Shostakovich's name. Performance of the anthem of the Center became an integral part of a scientific event...
Anatoly Antonovich Korobeynikov
Main activity:Politician
Ilizarov G. A.
Burtsev Alexander
Shevtsov Vladimir
Ilizarova G. A.
Main activity:Health care and social services