Roman Lyuduchin declared that regretted about the post publication in Telegram about Andrey Razin and kickbacks

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Known hokkeistroman Lyuduchinprokommentiroval of charge to the trainer of "Severstal" Andrey Razin. — It was offensive for us to learn from your Telegram-channel that Andrey Razin allegedly uses kickbacks. With it how to be? — Uf-f! "Uses" — it that? It is caught by a hand! Correctly? — Probably. You about it wrote — on a situation with the hockey player Ibragimov. — Yes, wrote about Ibragimov. Such scrupulous moment... By a hand I caught nobody, but this history to me told. Besides, there it was spoken did not "take", and "told"! Type — "share". I do not love these subjects, listen! — So published? — It is a lot of...