In Novosibirsk will show partitsipatorny "performance love"

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On June 26 in Novosibirsk youth "the First theater" there will take place a premiere of partitsipatorny performance Gomzyakov Dimitri "And". "" And" — it is the main copulative of Russian, – theaters are told on a site. – "Also" can connect in one design everything, and even concepts opposite at first sight: good and evil, love and hatred". As reports the announcement, during performance actors and the audience will unite at one big round table that "in dialogue and game to become closer, to learn to be with other people and to develop empathy". In the work the director Gomzyakov Dimitri argues that the such...
Konstantin Raykin
Main activity:Official
Gomzyakov Dimitri
Dushkin Daniil
Kudryavtsev Maxime