The director "SMERShA", "Drongo" and "Officers" Zinovy Aleksandrovich Royzman] die

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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On June 6 in Moscow at the age of 80 years the Soviet, Russian director, the screenwriter, the animator, the playwright, the actor Zinovy Aleksandrovich Royzman died. About it reported in Union of cinematographers RF. Zinovy Aleksandrovich Royzman was born on September 11, 1941 in Odesa. In the 1964th graduated from director's faculty the Tashkent theatrical and art institutes Ostrovsky's name. "Uzbekfilm" and the art director of combination of animated movies at studio worked as the director and the actor republican theaters dolls in Tashkent, the director of a film studio. As the director animator shot movies...