Silver prize-winners of Olimpyisky games  Anna Prakaten and Helena Oryabinskaya won on "A big Moscow regatta"

@Ves' Sport
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On June 4-5 on the rowing Moscow channel "The big Moscow regatta" on rowing with participation of athletes of Russian Federation, Belarus and Uzbekistan took place the 61st. The silver prize-winner of the Olympic Games-2020 the Russian  Anna Prakaten won the single. The vice-champion Igr to Tokyo Helena Oryabinskaya was the best in the bezrulny two with Sevostyanova Catherina. The finalist of the Olympic Games the Russian Alexander Alekseevich Vyazovkin in the single was only the third, having passed forward the Belarusian Paukov Philip and the compatriot Andrey Potapkin. Results of a regatta Agency "Reports all sports...