Imran Akhmad khan Niazi leaves resignations

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The opposition Pakistan prepares actions of civil disobedience after the expiration of the six-day ultimatum declared on last week for the operating government of the country. Protesting demand to dismiss parliament and to appoint early elections to earlier term, than the May, 2023 offered by electoral commission. Discharged of a position in April of ex-premieres Imran Akhmad khan Niazi is full of determination to take a revenge, leaning on mass protests. In turn, the new prime minister Mian Mukhammad Shakhbaz Sharif rejected the opposition ultimatum. Preparing for decisive opposition with Imran Akhmad khan Niazi, the authorities entered armies into the capital of the country Islamabad...
Mian Mukhammad Shakhbaz Sharif
Last position: Prime minister (Government of Pakistan)
Imran Akhmad khan Niazi
Last position: Chairman (Tekhrik-ye-Insaf)
Khavadzha Saad Rafik
Last position: Minister (Ministry means of communication of Islamic Republic Pakistan)
Strokan Sergei
Political ideology:Центризм, национализм, коммунитаризм, исламская демократия