As 15 movie stars in the early roles, at peak of career and in fresh movies] looke

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We know and we love many actors on their cult roles: Leonardo Wilhelm Di Kaprio in "Titanic", Kristen James Stewart in "Twilight", Marie Louise Strip in "Kramer against Kramer". But besides the film triumph moments all stars have debut and the last today works. We became interested in ADME in transformations of our favourite actors and compared their images in the first movies, at peak of glory and in new movies and series. Sirsha Una Ronan Leonardo Wilhelm Di Kaprio Moore Mendi Franko James Charlize Teron Oscar Ayzek Ernandes Estrada Marie Louise Strip Karell Steeve Lea Elen Seydu-Fornye de Klauzon Volume Kholland Lily Collins David Dzhud Kheyvort Lou Cintia Ellen Nikson Brosnan Pirs Lohann Lindsi...