Soccer. Rodionov Kirill, and Gromyko Valery are nominated by Gushchenko for the prize "Fair Play" of the 10th round "Belarusbank – the Highest league"

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Three football players apply for an award of Parimatch — Rodionov Kirill (Belshina), Dmitry Gushchenko (Vitebsk) and Gromyko Valery (BATE). Rodionov Kirill recognized a wrongfulness and did not challenge the decision of the arbitrator to appoint a penalty in the unevident moment. Dmitry Gushchenko helped to rise from a lawn to the player of team rival after collision though itself was as the victim. Gromyko Valery it is nominated on set of the moments: in one of them it passed a ball the partner put on the partner though itself had good opportunity to score a goal (as a result of goal blow), and in other with model restraint apprehended judicial treatment of an episode...
Alexander Nikolaevich Khatskevich
Main activity:Official
Rodionov Kirill
Gromyko Valery
Gurenko Sergei