The deputy prosecutor Tomsk Region and UPOLNOMOCHENNY PO ZASHCHITE PRAV PREDPRINIMATELEY V TOMSKOY OBLASTI carried out joint reception of representatives businesses in Kozhevnikovo's village Tomsk Region

@Novosti prokuratury RF
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Today, on May 18, 2022 the deputy prosecutor Tomsk Region Tkachenko Alexander together with UPOLNOMOCHENNY PO ZASHCHITE PRAV PREDPRINIMATELEY V TOMSKOY OBLASTI Valery Paderin carried out reception of businessmen in Kozhevnikovo's village Tomsk Region. Subjects business activity sounded the problems concerning granting subsidies to agricultural producers, observance by lumberers of requirements of fire safety, executions by public organization hunters and fishers of the legislation on hunting and preservation of hunting resources. During reception to representatives businesses...